Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wanna join the business or see you in hell??


you see an individual who apparently is making a bank transaction at the ATM.
Placing the trap

What he really is doing is placing a trap in the ATM machine to “capture” the next user card.
Lookout Warning

Altering the ATMs is a risky business, these individuals work in teams. The lookout warns of any possible eye witnesses / or of the next potential victim.

The Victim

Here we see the next client using the ATM, after the trap has been set. He inserts his card and begins his transaction

Springing the TRAP

The ATM card is confiscated, and the customer is confused, asking himself, Why has my card been confiscated? However, here we see the cavalry coming to help, (¿HELP?).
Honest,Samaritan Offering HELP
Here we see the thief pretending to help. What he is really doing is trying to gain the “chumps” PIN, now that he has captured his card.
Gaining access to the PIN

The good Samaritan convinces the “chump” He can recover the card, if he presses his PIN at the same time the Samaritan press “cancel” and “enter”.

Situation Hopeless, “They Leave”

After several attempts the “chump "is convinced his card has been confiscated. The “chump” and the Samaritan leave the ATM

Recovering the CARD

Satisfied the area is clear, the thief returns to recover the confiscated card from his trap. He not only has the card, he also has the PIN the “chump” provided unknowingly
The Escape

In possession of the card and the PIN he leaves the ATM with $4000 from the “CHUMPS "account


The trap is made up of XRAY film, which is the preferred material by thieves; Simply because of the black color which is similar in appearance to the slot on the card reader.

Placing the TRAP

The trap is then inserted into the ATM slot. Care is taken not to insert the entire film into the slot, the ends are folded and contain glue strips for better adhesion to the inner and outer surface of the slots.


Once the ends are firmly glued and fixed to the slot, it is almost impossible to detect by unsuspecting clients.

How is your card confiscated?

Slits are cut into both sides of the trap, This prevents your card being returned prior to completing your transaction
Retrieval of Confiscated card

As soon as the “Chump” is gone, and they have your PIN , The thief can remove the glued trap, by grasping the folded tips, he simply pulls the trap out that has retained your card..


•1.-Once your card has been confiscated, observe the ATM slot and the card reader for any signs of tampering. Should you see the film tips glued to the slot, unglue, pull the trap out and recover your card.
2.- Report IMMEDIATELY to the BanK
Best regards,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Budak Dari Marikh ?

Artikel ini mengisahkan tentang seorang budak bernama Boriska yang mengakui bahawa dirinya berasal dari Marikh. Namun dia dilahirkan dibumi dan baru berusia 7 tahun.
Pendapat mengatakan bahawa mungkin pada kehidupan yang lalu (past life) Boriska mungkin benar-benar penduduk dari Marikh dan ia diakui sendiri oleh Boriska yang berusia 7 tahun itu.
Keistimewaan Boriska diketahui apabila dia yang menyertai satu ekspedisi telah menceritakan tentang Marikh, angkasa lepas, tamadun Lemuria dan lain-lain kepada anggota ekspedisi yang lain di malam hari ketika mereka semua sedang berehat di perkhemahan mereka.
Sekumpulan anggota ekspedisi yang berasa teruja dengan keistimewaan Boriska telah melawat rumahnya untuk menemubual ibubapa Boriska dan Boriska sendiri.Ketika ditemubual, Boriska mampu menceritakan pelbagai kisah yang menakjubkan seolah-olah dia sendiri mengalami peristiwa yang diceritakannya.
Boriska menceritakan bagaimana Marikh mempunyai penduduk yang mempunyai tamadun yang maju suatu masa dulu. Oleh kerana Marikh ditimpa suatu bencana, semua penduduknya kini tinggal di bawah tanah (underground).
Dia juga menceritakan bahawa ketika di Marikh, dia selalalu melawat ke bumi untuk tujuan perdagangan, penyelidikan dan juga untuk bertemu dengan kawannya, seseorang dari tamadun Lemuria.
Tamadun Lemuria adalah tamadun purba yang dipercayai mempunyai peradaban yang sangat maju. Apa yang menakjubkan ialah Boriska mampu menceritakan perihal tamadun Lemuria dengan terperinci yang mana ia tidak mampu dilakukan oleh para pakar dan saintis. Bukan itu sahaja, kewujudan tamadun Lemuria pun sehingga kini masih belum dapat disahihkan sepenuhnya oleh mereka.
Ternyatalah, pemikiran Boriska mampu menandingi pemikiran para pakar dan saintis. Boriska mengatakan orang-orang Lemuria mempunyai ketinggian sebanyak 9meter. Kemusnahan tamadun Lemuria juga dikatakan disebabkan oleh penduduknya yang sudah tidak mementingkan aspek spiritualiti (kerohanian) mereka.
Ketika bercerita mengenai tamadun Lemuria, Boriska memberitahu bahawa dia mempunyai seorang rakan di sana dan rakannya terbunuh di hadapan matanya sendiri. Ketika itu, satu bencana telah melanda bumi. Satu benua yang besar telah tenggelam akibat bencana itu. Dalam pada itu, satu batu besar telah jatuh dan mengenai satu bangunan.
Akibat dari itu, rakannya telah terbunuh.
Boriska mengatakan dia tidak dapat menyelamatkan rakannya. Apa yang menakjubkan ialah Boriska menceritakan segala peristiwa itu seolah-olah ianya baru berlaku semalam.Memang susah jika kita mahu mengatakan bahawa Boriska yang berusia baru 7 tahun itu hanya mereka-reka cerita.
Banyak lagi yang diceritakan oleh Boriska.
Bahan dan alat yang digunakan untuk membuat UFO,
kehidupan di Marikh, tamadun Lemuria dan sebagainya.
Best regards,

The Hurdia Victoria...

Apakah ia? Sejenis haiwan pemangsa laut dari keluarga Artropods yg hidup 500 juta tahun yg lalu. Ianya kelihatan seperti udang.Fosil pertama diijumpai pertama kali pada 1909.Fosil2 juga boleh dijumpai disekitar perairan Kanada, Eropah dan Amerika.Sememangnya satu penemuan yg menakjubkan.
Best regards,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Friends care, Friends share, We need friends Everywhere!

My Friend when I think of you.

I think of all that we've been through.

All the times we argue and fight,

I know deep inside that it isn't right.

I, then feel bad and alot of pain.

It feels like I've fallen from the sky like the rain.

I love you dear friend with all of my heart.

But now that you're gone I've fallen apart.

I'm getting better as the days go by.

I wish sometimes this was all a big lie.

I pray to you every night.

It's like you're my fire, a burning light.

My dear friend, I miss you alot.

I still wonder why you were put in that spot.

I know you're in a place much better than here.

Watching and helping me with all of my fear.

Our friendship my dear friend,we will have to the end.

Friends til the end is what we will be.

Someday we'll be together,together you and me.
Best regards,